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Talano1, P.; Esp贸sito2 G.; Balboa2 G.
1Tesista de Maestr铆a, 脕聛rea Cereales
2Universidad Nacional de R铆颅o Cuarto

IX Congreso Nacional de Ma铆z. I Simposio Nacional de Sorgo. Rosario 2010.: 142-143.

Two corn hybrids considered of high stability in the Pampa region, DK190MGRR2 and DK670MG
were evaluated. Four irrigation treatments for generating different growth rates (TCP): (T100) soil
water content between 80-100%, (T75) between 60-75%, (T50) between 40-50% and (T25)
between 20-25 %, by means of water balance, were performed in both hybrids. The growth rate
per plant (TCP) and the number of grains per plant (NGP) were determined, and also, the yield, the
number grains per m2 and the weight of the 1000 grains (PG), were quantified. The yield of
DK670MG was statistically different superior to DK190MGRR2 independently of the irrigation
treatment, the irrigation affected the yield T100=T75>T50>T25. The number of grains per m2
not significantly affected by evaluated hybrids, however the irrigation treatments modified this
component as well as the yield. The variable weight of grains (PG) was the only one which
presented significant interaction hybrid for treatment, because in the DK670MG the number of
grains per plant (PG) was T100=T75>T50=T25, whereas in the DK190MGRR2 the irrigation did not
modify the number of grains per plant (PG). Preliminary it is concluded that the hybrids show
differences in the ecophysiological behavior. At low growth rate per plant (TCP) the number of
grains per plant (NGP) of DK190MGRR2 is less than the one of the DK670MG, at high growth rate
per plant (TCP) the situation reverses. It was observed that the DK190MGRR2 weight grain is more
stable than the DK670MG grain weight, if the growth rate per plant changes, possibly it is due to
modification in the source/destination relation.

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Informaci贸n de contacto

Departamento de Producción Vegetal, Facultad de Agronomía y Veterinaria - Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto 

Ruta 36 km 601, Río Cuarto, Córdoba - Argentina   +54 (0358) 467-6159 / 504  / 509


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Producci贸n Vegetal 漏 2014 - Todos los derechos reservados - 聽

Responsables de Contenidos: PhD Guillermo Balboa - Dr.聽 Federico Morla聽

ISSN 2422-5479
