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Dpto. De Produccion Vegetal
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Balboa, G.R. (1); Espósito, G.P(1); Castillo, C.A(1); Balboa, R.G.(1); de Deseö, Guastavo(2)
Producción de Cereales. FAV. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto
Asesor Técnico CREA Melo-Serrano
Trabajo Publicado en el IX Congreso Nacional de Maíz, Rosario 2010
Bad quality on corn sowing causes important impact in productivity. The pourpuse of this job was to evaluate alternatives of managing to minimize the effect of plants spatial uneven in corn yield. Research was conducted in General Levalle, South Cordoba, Argentina, during the 2006/2007 campaign. Twelve treatments where established combining sowing speed (4,0 km h-1, 6,0 km h-1, 7,5 km/h-1), with and without sweeps stubble and with and without seed treatment (base Zn). The experimental design was in complete blocks randomized with three replications. The determinations were: A) Plant density. B) Standard deviation of distance between plants. C) Standard deviation of spikes individual weight. D) yield and yield components (Nº grains m-2 and 1000 grains weight). Variables were analyzed statistically by means of an Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and regression analysis. The results show that sowing speeds up to 4,00 km h-1 produced an increase of the standard deviation in plants distribution and spikes weight; reducing grain yield. The use of sweeps stubble didn’t present statistical differences in evaluated parameters. Interaction wasn´t observed between evaluated variables. An appropriate sowing speed will allow to improve the quality of the same one. Corn yield diminishes 181 kg ha-1 with increase of 1 cm of plants standard deviation.

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Información de contacto

Departamento de Producción Vegetal, Facultad de Agronomía y Veterinaria - Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto 

Ruta 36 km 601, Río Cuarto, Córdoba - Argentina   +54 (0358) 467-6159 / 504  / 509


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Producción Vegetal © 2014 - Todos los derechos reservados -  

Responsables de Contenidos: PhD Guillermo Balboa - Dr.  Federico Morla 

ISSN 2422-5479
