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Dpto. De Produccion Vegetal
Ver historia del Ing. Agr. Jorge Gesumar韆

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Relaci贸n Entre La Densidad 脫ptima Agronomica Y El N煤mero De Granos Por Planta En Ma铆z (Zea Mays l.)

The density of sowing (D) is one of the main management practices that influences the yield (Y) of corn. There exists a density value in which the
yield is maximum (OPD), depending on the environment, the genotype and its interaction. The objectives of this project were: i-To determine the OPD for two corn genotypes in different productive environments; ii- Analyze the relationship between the number of kernel fixed per plant (KNP) and its plant
growing rate (PGR) to different environments and genotypes iii- Determine the KNP that is related to the OPD for two corn genotypes. Three experiments
were carried out in different locations (L) of C贸rdoba (Argentina) during 2013/14, comparing 2 genotypes (G) in 2 management zones (MZ). The
statistical design was random blocks, with a factorial arrangement of subdivided plots, with L, MZ and G being the primary, secondary and tertiary
factors, respectively. In addition, 5 D were planted to obtain the relationships that estimate OPD, PGR, KNP and Y. The results indicate that OPD was
affected by L; the relationship between PGR and KNP was not modified by the environment, but by G. The PGR coincident with the OPD was modified
by the G interaction: L. The OPD the PGR was between 2.74 to 4.81 g d-1, which were associated with the NGP that varied only between 509 and 603
grains p-1.

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Informaci贸n de contacto

Departamento de Producción Vegetal, Facultad de Agronomía y Veterinaria - Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto 

Ruta 36 km 601, Río Cuarto, Córdoba - Argentina   +54 (0358) 467-6159 / 504  / 509


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Producci贸n Vegetal 漏 2014 - Todos los derechos reservados - 聽

Responsables de Contenidos: PhD Guillermo Balboa - Dr.聽 Federico Morla聽

ISSN 2422-5479
